Album artists view connection timeout

MAFA version: 1.9.8
Android version: 14
Device model: Samsung A54
MPD version: 0.23.5

Unfortunately the album art grid in the album artists view (with 7000+ entries) appears to put too much strain onto my mpd server. While scrolling the view, eventually the MAFA connection will request too many images and timeout.
In my opinion there should be an option to disable the album art grid in the (album) artists view.

Thank you for reporting the issue.

There seems to be a bug in the scrolling-speed dependent rate-limiting of loading list/grid items.

Working on fixing it now.

A new update is available that should fix this issue.

MAFA updates list items during scrolling depending on the scrolling speed.

You can control this from Settings → Performance → Update lists during scrolling:

Seems to work nicely now, thank you for this fix!