Command timeout in command: playlistinfo

MAFA version: 1.9.10
Android version: 14
Device model: Pixel 8
MPD version: 0.23.15

I’ve been getting an issue with connecting to my MPD server.
In the edit server screen, I get a message, “Limited support: missing optional commands: sticker (which I’ve turned off since I don’t use), playlistlength (which I’m not sure the cause of)”. There’s also a green check mark, which I assume means that it’s able to connect.

However, in the main screen, I see it’s disconnected, even if I retry, with the message “Command timeout in command: playlistlinfo 0:20”

Since I haven’t changed anything in my config and I’m able to connect from other clients, I assume this is something to do with the recent update to MAFA. My version details are below.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

The “Limited support” message means that some features that depend on these commands will not work. The sticker command is only required for the bookmarks feature. The playlistlength is only required for displaying a playlist’s length.

I will change the message to be more clear about this.

This looks like a bug, but I was yet unable to replicate it.

Does it look like this?

What happens when you tap the disconnected server? (It should then clear the message and reconnect).

Can you check the MPD log file when the timeout happens? Does it look like the playlistinfo 0:20 command it taking more time than 10 seconds?

Also may help to know: what is the MPD distribution you are using and what system is it running on. Sometimes there are bugs that surface only on certain setups.


Thanks so much. So yeah, clicking on the server name just re-connected.

I think what happened was, I assumed this was an error screen based on the title, “Disconnected” at the top. I didn’t realize what I was looking at was the list of servers. I was also confused since I’d assumed it would try and re-connect automatically to the server shown at the top.

You are right. The disconnected screen is confusing.
It will be improved to be more clear.

Thank you for the feedback.

I actually got this problem multiple times and sometimes I just cannot use MAFA with my mpd daemon (moode audio both version 8.x and 9.x, mpd 0.23.14) as when I browse through some folders the server disconnects. I can connect right back and when I go to same folder, I get the same disconnect again, something about the “playlistlength” option, which my server does not support (it does support all the other playlist* options). I will try to get a screenshot next time, as for some reason it works now.

I never had any issues until a couple of weeks ago and nothing changed in my setup.I also tried to get myself off the beta channel in google appstore, reinstall MAFA, delete server, readd server, upgrade moode audio (from scratch, from factory defaults), I still get the issue sometimes, so I am pretty sure something changed in MAFA. My previous moode install (8.x) was a few months old with no issues. Also, when I saw the issue above, it felt very close to what I get.

Please let me know what information I can provide the next time this happens. Love this player and I’d really want to keep using it.


Pixel 6a
mafa -1.0.11 (713)

moode audio 9.1.2 2024-09-28 fully updated
mpd 0.23.14
Raspberry 3B

I just noticed now during some testing that while browsing through my folders (I always use the Files section) at some point a disconnect message flashed over the screen but it was too quick and it reconnected. At the time, on the verbose mpd logs I saw this:

root@moode:/var/log/mpd# grep ‘[10]’ *
Oct 09 21:16 : client: [10] opened from
Oct 09 21:16 : client: [10] process command list
Oct 09 21:16 : client: [10] process command list returned 0
Oct 09 21:16 : client: [10] process command list
Oct 09 21:16 : client: [10] process command list returned 0
Oct 09 21:17 : client: [10] timeout
Oct 09 21:17 : client: [10] closed

I don’t know why it would timeout after 1 second only, whatever the issue would be. Also, that’s what I think was happening when I was getting the other disconnects: there would be a timeout message but it would be instantaneous right when entering a specific folder, not after some pause or anything.

later edit: another instance:

Oct 09 21:31 : client: [74] opened from
Oct 09 21:31 : client: [74] process command list
Oct 09 21:31 : client: [74] process command list returned 0
Oct 09 21:31 : client: [74] process command “find “(modified-since ‘1727897472’)””
Oct 09 21:31 : client: [74] command returned 0
Oct 09 21:31 : client: [74] process command list
Oct 09 21:31 : client: [74] process command list returned 0
Oct 09 21:32 : client: [74] timeout
Oct 09 21:32 : client: [74] closed

Sorry about that.
I’ll test with a setup similar to yours and update as soon as possible.

I don’t think the timeout in the log is related. It looks like a 60 seconds timeout on a secondary connection which is normal (Connection Troubleshooting).


You are right, this was just a brain bug on my side, I read that as 1 second not 1 minute. False alarm.

Also, I am not able to replicate anymore which is so weird considering that I was not able to fix it at all with moode 8.x so on Sunday I upgraded to 9.x and I still had the same issue afterwards up to and including the day before yesterday. Since yesterday it’s working fine. I do not know what fixed it or what needs to happen for this to reoccur.

If I will ever get the issue again, I will revert here.

Thank you for reporting back.

I will still repeat the tests on a raspberry pi to catch possible issues on slow machines that may result in a timeout.

For the last week I’ve been running moode audio 9.1.2 on a Raspberry Pi 3 with the music directory mounted on NFS without problems. Let me know if the the issue repeats. Thanks.