Streaming should support HTTPS

MAFA version: 1.9.9

HTTP Streaming settings should support HTTPS protocol. Currently there’s no way to set HTTPS - the URL and port expect HTTP, no substitutes.

The HTTP streaming option in MAFA is used to connect to the httpd output of MPD.

MPD provides only HTTP server for output streaming (MPD httpd output plugin).

(If you want to add an external HTTPS URI to the player queue, you can do that from the “Add URL” menu item in the Player menu.)

yes, but:

  • I don’t have a direct access to mpd output or network, only through a proxy server with HTTPS
  • the bluetooth controls work only with the internal player and only when it’s playing the MPD output, not the playlist

How do you tunnel/proxy the MPD connection? Would it be possible to do the same for the HTTP stream?
When I want external access I open two reverse tunnels with ssh from a public server to the local MPD. One for the MPD connection and the other for the HTTP stream.

The app can only receive Bluetooth device events when it is the current media session. So yes, only when it is playing using the internal player that it controls.

When the app is at the foreground you can skip tracks or control the volume using the device’s volume buttons (settings → Behavior → “Hardware volume buttons”).

My ISP hooks into HTTP connection to inject their ads and garbles the audio traffic, I have to use HTTPS.

OK. I’ll look into adding HTTPS support for the streaming but can’t promise it will be soon.

Although I’d recommend setting up a VPN or another tunneling solution.
Also, did you try a custom port for the HTTP proxy? Maybe your ISP only targets port 80.

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I did try a custom port, yes